A Note from our Founder
First and foremost, thank you for your interest in Mind Body Project. A bit of background on me, and how this all came to be…
Since childhood, I’ve battled mental health challenges mainly in the anxiety department. I’ve been relentless in seeking out solutions to help address these challenges. In college, I was set on earning a business degree, however I was intrigued by psychology and ultimately studied both at Boston University.
After college, I entered the real world and found myself in the digital media industry. At that time, my workout regimen was methodically paced and the results were nearly nonexistent. It wasn’t until I discovered High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) that my workout routine forever changed. It was so physically demanding that I was incapable of overthinking. It was 50 minutes per day where my mind could shut off completely.
Shortly thereafter, I had a friend recommend Transcendental Meditation as a solution for managing anxiety. I signed up for a two-day training and was immediately hooked. All the common misconceptions I went into the experience with were put to rest (hippy, ritualistic, religious, etc.). The training consisted of relatable people from all different walks of life who simply wanted to function better in their day-to-day.
In 2018, I decided to leave the digital media industry after ten fulfilling years. I took some time to think about what the next chapter in my life would look like, and I was taking care of myself in the meantime. I was meditating and exercising vigorously when the lightbulb went off to combine the two practices.
And here we are. My dream is for the combination of meditation + fitness to help others in the various profound ways that these disciplines have helped me.
- Chris Stockel, Founder & CEO